Aggressive/Aggro: Creature may move during Main Phase 1 (MP1)

Cleave: Creature may attack creatures in Lanes that they point to as well as the one in front of them. Creature in same Lane is attacked first then the others are attacked Left to Right from attackers perspective.

Combo: When Enemy Creature is moved in this lane via another ally's effect or keyword then this creature may attack that creature and move the Enemy Creature to an adjacent lane that the Creature did not just come from.

Drag: Creatures with Drag may pull and Enemy Creature from a Lane that the Drag Creature points to and attack that Enemy Creature instead of attacking directly when the opposing lane is empty.

Flying: Creatures with Flying cannot be blocked when attacked.

Hatch (?): Hatch cards are placed into stack and are destroyed when (?) number of souls are placed into stack on top of them and Special Summon Creature from Extra Deck listed on card. The souls closest to Hatch card are used to Hatch and are destroyed and sent to Grave with Hatch card.

Knockback (<?>): When Knockback Creature attacks another Creature the defending creature is moved in direction and # of lanes listed on Knockback keyword. If lane is already occupied then they move until they hit last Open Lane.

Lazy: Creature can only move every other Player Turn

Pierce: Opponent takes Damage to LF for the difference in Pierce Creatures ATK and Defenders DEF if it exceeds the Defenders DEF

Poison: When Card with Poison Deals Damage to Creature give that Creature -100/-100 until the end of Opponents next turn.

Reactive: When Creature moves into opposing lane with Reactive Creature it takes Damage equal to Reactive Creature's ATK

Shield: Creature gains +0/+200 only when Blocking.

Sidestep: Creature may block incoming attacks on empty lanes that the Sidestep Creature Points to. Creature is moved to empty lane and Opponent may choose to continue or cancel attack on Creature.

Stackable: Creatures with stackable can be played directly into any stack to activate Stackable Effect. Only 1 can be played a turn.

Stout: Creature Gains +0/+100 only when Attacking